Setup E-mail service
E-mail service work with any standard SMTP service; the service only run if you have: username, password and server address. Without these three required fields, it will just ignore. Inside Service folder, you will find this file: EmailService.cs, which is the class for handing e-mail task.
Here is the example setting in appsettings.json
you can update for your need:
"EmailConfig": {
"FromName": "ShipFast-ASP.NET",
"FromAddress": "",
"ToEmail": "",
"CcEmail": "",
"BccEmail": "",
"ServerAddress": "",
"ServerPort": 587,
"ServerUseSsl": true,
"Username": "",
"Password": ""
I purposely set password to blank to disable e-mail service in Development environment. On Production environment, I set it to valid password.